Saturday 7 January 2012

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Day 7 - Tanka week


School. It's a real bitch.
Tired and ill. Well, ill-ish.
Weather isn't fair.
Rain... gales... plus, it was freezing.
But they gave us a rainbow.


Thus concludes tanka week! Just about managed to stick to it ^-^. <3

~Love Leonidas

Monday 2 January 2012

Day 6 - Tanka week

Bad mood

Bad moods are tricky.
Inescapable, almost.
You don't want a thing,
And it makes you feel more crap.
Happy New Year, everyone.

~Love Leonidas

Sunday 1 January 2012

Day 5 - Tanka week


Two thousand and twelve.
Or twenty twelve, either works.
With a tanka I
greet the new year... what lies ahead?
Hopefully we don't all die.

~Love Leonidas

Day 4 - Tanka week

The dream

A sweet girl, my age.
Friendly, she came from nowhere.
All day I wondered...
What was your name, who were you?
A peculiar dream it was.

~Love Leonidas

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